3.9.2 Each set of repair parts and tools specified in the contractor order shall contain the parts
listed in table HI, plus any additional parts or tools considered by the bureau or agency concerned, or
by the manufacturer, to be essential in successful servicing of the pumps. Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order, the quantity of repair parts per set shall be based on one pump per ship
(one pump per set of repair parts).
Table III - Onboard repair parts. Cylinders or bodies shall be supplied, in accordance with item (f) of table III for pumps
not equipped with housings or liners, Parts required by item (h) table III are in addition to the parts required by the other items.
3.9.3 Repair parts such as those for turbines, reduction gears, engines, motors, and controllers,
shall be furnished in accordance with the applicable component specifications.
3.9.4 Special tools and wrenches, - Each set of onboard repair parts shall include a complete set of all special tools and
wrenches required for maintenance of the pumps, gears and drivers, One set of special operating tools and wrenches shall be furnished with each pump unit,
and shall include all wrenches and tools required for the operation of the complete pump units. Each
set of special operating tools and wrenches shall be furnished in separate steel boxes, If there are no
more than two such tools per set they may be attached to the pumps in a secure but readily accessible
manner, rather than boxed. Each tool or wrench shall be indelibly marked indicating the intended purpose.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business