3.3.19 Painting.- For pumps operating at a temperature of 300" F. or less, all external
unmachined surfaces of ungalvanized ferrous metal parts shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with
one coat of pretreatment conforming to Specification MIL-C- 15328, and one coat of zinc chromate
primer, Specification JAN-P-735, or one coat of red lead primer conforming to Specifica-
tion MIL-P- 17545, followed by a finish coat of light gray equipment enamel conforming to Specifica-
tion MIL-E-15090.
3, 3. 19. 1 painting of external surfaces of nonferrous parts of pumps will not be required.
3.4 Pump characteristics. - The general range of pump characteristics shall be in accordance
with table II. Characteristics of pumps to be procured shall be specified in the individual contracts
or orders,
Table II - Pump characteristics.
3.5 Pump drivers. -
3. 5.1 Pumps may be direct connected or geared to the driving units as specified or approved in
each case by the bureau or agency concerned.
3.5.2 Turbines - Turbine drives shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-T- 17523, and
shall have the characteristics as specified in the contract or order.
3.5.3 Motors. - Motor drives shall be of the type and characteristics specified in the contract or
order and shall conform to Specification MIL-M-17413 for direct current motors, and to Specifica-
tion MIL-M-17060 for alternating current motors,
3.5.4 Reduction gears. - Where gears are used, they shall be of the spur, single or double helical,
or worm type in accordance with Specification MIL-G-17859 or Specification MIL-G- 18121, as applicable. Reduction gears shall be independent of the pump and connected thereto by a flexible
coupling. Such reduction gears may, however, be an integral part of the driving unit.
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