3.6.4 Pressure. Output pressure. Pumps shall be capable of delivering 85 percent of their displacement per cycle (see 3.5.2) Proof pressures. Class 1500 and class 3000 pumps shall be capable of withstanding 2250 and 4500 psi
proof pressures, respectively, when tested in accordance with Burst pressures. Class 1500 and class 3000 pumps shall be capable of withstanding 3750 and 7500 psi,
respectively, when tested in accordance with
3.6.5 Handle torque. Normal handle torque shall not exceed 1350 inch-pounds, when tested in accordance with For pumps designed after 1 January 1977, the normal handle torque shall not exceed 1080 inch-pounds,
when tested in accordance with
3.6.6 Cold operations. Cold priming. Pumps shall be capable of priming completely at -65°F (-54°C) from a dry suction line in not
more than 12 cycles of operation for the class 1500 pumps and not more than 17 cycles for the class 3000 pumps,
when tested in accordance with Cold cycling. At -65°F (-54°C) (see pump shall deliver 85 percent of its displacement per cycle at the
required operating pressure (see 3.4.1 and 3.6.4), when tested in accordance with During rapid warm-up
there shall be no evidence of binding or other malfunction.
3.6.7 Efficiency. Volumetric. Output volume, shall not be less than 85 percent of their design displacement, unless otherwise
specified herein, when tested in accordance with 4.6.6. Mechanical. The output load (output pressure in psi multiplied by area of pump piston in square inches) shall
not be less than 80 percent of axial input load for full stroke at operating pressure when determined in accordance
3.6.8 Endurance. The pumps shall withstand 70,000 cycles at specified conditions:
a. Without malfunctioning or failure.
b. With no external leakage except at running packings. This leakage, at no time during the test, shall exceed
two drops for 25 cycles, nor shall the total leakage for the test exceed an average of one drop per 25 cycles.
c. No bearings or other parts shall be replaced, except running packings, provided the original packings operate
at least 40,000 cycles without excessive leakage (see 3.6.8.b).
d. At any time during specified test, output volume shall not be less than 75 percent of the pump displacement.
3.7 Identification of product. Unless otherwise specified, all pumps shall be stamped with manufacturer's name or
3.8 Workmanship. Pumps shall be free from cracks, laps, seams, burrs, longitudinal and spiral tool marks, or any
other defects that may detrimentally affect their intended use (see 4.5.2.).
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.4).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.5).
4.2 Test equipment and inspection facilities. Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities of sufficient
accuracy, quality, and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection shall be established and maintained
or identified by the contractor. The establishment and maintenance of a calibration system to control the accuracy of
the measuring and test equipment shall be in accordance with ISO 17025 and NCSL Z540.3 as applicable.
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