3.1 Specification sheets. The individual item requirements shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the
applicable specification sheet. In the event of any conflict between requirements of this specification and the
specification sheets, the latter shall govern.
3.2 Qualification. Pumps furnished under this specification shall be products that are authorized by the qualifying
activity for listing on the applicable qualified products list before contract award (see 4.4, 6.3 and 6.3.1).
3.3 Materials. Materials shall be as specified in SAE-AS8775 and shall conform to all applicable specification
sheets. When a definite material is not specified, a material shall be used which will enable the pump to meet the
requirements of this specification. Acceptance or approval of any constituent material shall not be construed as a
guarantee of acceptance of the finished product.
3.3.1 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or environmentally
preferable materials shall be used to the maximum extent possible provided that the material meets or exceeds the
operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically advantageous life cycle costs.
3.4 General. The requirements of Type 1 (see 1.1) Hydraulic System and Hand Pump Standards listed herein apply
as requirements of this specification.
3.4.1 Class. Pumps shall be of two classes. Class 1500. A 1500 psi operating pressure and the requirements of AN6201 apply for this class of pump. Class 3000. A 3000 psi operating pressure and the requirements of AN6248 apply for this class of pump.
3.4.2 General specification. The requirements of SAE-AS8775 apply as requirements of this specification with the
exceptions and additions called out herein. When the two specifications conflict, this specification shall govern. Exceptions. The exceptions to the requirement of SAE-AS8775 are as follows:
a. Only Type I systems requirements apply to this specification.
b. The temperature conditions for qualification testing do not apply to this specification. Additional requirements. The design and construction requirements specified herein (see 3.5) are in addition
to those requirements specified in SAE-AS8775.
3.5 Design and construction.
3.5.1 Clearance volume. The pump clearance volume, that is the cylinder volume not swept by the piston travel,
shall be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed 20 percent of the total swept volume.
3.5.2 Displacement. The pumps shall be double-action and shall have an output differential not exceeding .50 cubic
inch per stroke. The class 1500 pump shall have a displacement of 1.25 to 1.50 cubic inches per cycle. The class
3000 pump shall have a minimum displacement of 0.7 cubic inches per cycle.
3.6 Performance.
3.6.1 Structural strength. The structural strength of the pump parts, when installed in a normal manner, shall provide
ample strength and rigidity to withstand, without failure, a normal handle torque; side torque; and wrench torques
when tested in accordance with structural strength tests (see 4.6.1).
3.6.2 Priming. Pumps shall prime completely from a dry suction line in not more than 10 cycles of operation for class
1500 pumps and in not more than 15 cycles for class 3000 pumps, when tested in accordance with 4.6.2.
3.6.3 Ability to hold prime. The pumps shall hold prime for a minimum of 30 minutes and show no signs of external
leakage from the pump or the suction line, when tested in accordance with 4.6.3.
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