MIL-P-53065(ME) Tilted position. The pumping unit shall be operated for not less
than 30 minutes while it is positioned 15 degrees from level in four different
directions. Evidence of malfunction or misalignment of components shall
constitute failure of this test. Environmental. High temperature. The pump shall be tested as specified in
MIL-STD-810, method 501.1, procedure I. The maximum ambient storage temperature
shall be +155
and the maximum ambient operating temperature shall be +125
The operating period of procedure I shall be 2 hours. The pump shall be
operated at rated capacity. Nonconformance to 3.4 shall constitute failure of
this test. Low temperature. The pump shall be tested as specified in
MIL-STD-810, method 502.1, procedure I. The minimum ambient storage temperature
shall be -65
The minimum ambient operating temperature shall be -25
The operating period of procedure I shall be 2 hours. The pump shall be
operated-at rated capacity. Nonconformance to 3.4 shall constitute failure of
this test.
4.6.4 Safety. The pumping unit shall be evaluated for safety requirements
throughout testing as specified in 4.6.3. Nonconformance to 3.5 shall
constitute failure.
4.6.5 Human factors engineering inspection. The human factors engineering
requirements shall be inspected during testing. Nonconformance to 3.6 shall
constitute failure.
4.6.6 Noise level test. Noise levels shall be measured in accordance with
MIL-STD-1474 requirements and reported in the format indicated by MIL-STD-1474,
figure 7. As a minimum: noise levels shall be measured when equipment is
operating under full load, MIL-STD-1474, Noise contours shall be
taken at not fewer than 12 equal (horizontal) arc increments; one increment
shall include data from the noisiest position. Additionally, the noise level at
the typical operating position shall be provided as dB(A) level. Failure to
comply with 3.7 provisions shall constitute failure of this test.
4.6.7 Electromagnetic interference. The first article shall be tested to
determine conformance with 3.16. Nonconformance to 3.16 shall constitute
failure of this test.
4.7 Inspection comparison. The Government may select pumping units at any
time during the contract production period and subject these pumping units to
the examination specified in 4.5. The inspection will be performed by the
Government, at a site selected by the Government, on pumping units selected at
random from those which have been accepted by the Government and will not
include any previously inspected pumping units. In addition to any test
specified as part of the inspection comparison, the Government reserves the
right to conduct any and all other tests contained in this specification as part
of the inspection comparison, and failure of such additional tests shall have
the same effect as failure of those tests specified as inspection comparison.
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