3.8.1 Diesel starting system. A 12 or 24 volt starting system shall be
furnished. A suitable, readily visible instruction plate of copper or brass
shall be securely fastened to the engine housing. The plate shall outline the
step-by-step procedure that insures safety and ease of starting. The equipment
shall include an ether starting system or glow plug. When an ether priming
system is required, it shall be of the measured shot type with reservoir
capacity of not less than 12 fluid ounces. The ether system shall be key
operated or manually operated from the instrument panel and shall be inoperative
with the engine warm.
3.9 Engine components and accessories.
3.9.1 Exhaust system. The exhaust system and muffler shall be the
manufacturer's standard design. When a commercial-type ejector pump primer is
furnished (see 3.10.2), modifications which supply sufficient volume and
pressure of exhaust gas, without damage to engine, muffler, or exhaust system is
3.9.2 Battery(s). Each battery shall be of 12 volt potential. The reserve
capacity for each battery shall be not less than 110 minutes and the cold
cranking rating at 0°F shall be not less than 450 amperes, measured in
accordance with SAE J537. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), battery(s)
shall be maintenance-free having the maintenance-free characteristics listed in
W-B-131. When specified (see 6.2), battery(s) shall be dry-charged in
accordance with W-B-131, without electrolyte, with sealed caps to prevent the
intrusion of atmospheric moisture.
3.9.3 Charging system. The battery charging generator/alternator and
regulators shall be the manufacturer's standard type, and in addition to its
primary function, shall have the capacity sufficient to support a specified
auxiliary lighting system of 120 watts (see 3.10.3).
3.9.4 Fuel system. The fuel system shall be provided with a 3-way
sealed-lug type selector valve and an external auxiliary connection that has a
protective cap secured against loss. The external auxiliary connection shall be
a SAE standard male, flared fitting for mating with the auxiliary fuel supply.
A circular faceplate marked "OFF", "UNIT TANK", and "AUXILIARY", to indicate the
flow of fuel from the engine, valve shall be provided. The fuel tank shall,
without recourse to the auxiliary source, have capacity for continuous operation
for a period of not less than 6 hours under normal load.
Instrument panel.
An instrument panel shall be furnished, equipped
with the following devices:
Gage, pressure, lubricating oil.
Indicator, battery-generator.
Indicator, cooling liquid temperature.
Starter, pushbutton or other switch when engine is equipped with
solenoid-type switch.
Key-operated switch for an ether diesel engine starting system, when
required (see 3.8.1).
Key-operated switch for a glow plug diesel engine starting system,
when required (see 3.8.1)
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