The quality conformance inspection
shall include the examination of 4.4, the test of 4.5.2, and the packaging
inspection of 4.6.
This inspection shall be performed on the samples selected
in accordance with 4.3.
4.3 Sampling.
Sampling and inspection procedures shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-105. The unit of product shall be one complete automatic water
supply system. All pumps offered for delivery at one time shall be considered a
Guidance for inspection level and Acceptable
lot for the purpose of inspection.
Quality Level (AQL) is provided in 6.5.
Each unit shall be examined for compliance with the
4.4 Examination.
Any redesign or
requirements specified in section 3 of this document.
modification of the contractor's standard product to comply with specified
requirements, or any necessary redesign or modification following failure to
meet specified requirements shall receive particular attention for adequacy and
This element of inspection shall encompass all visual examinations
Noncompliance with any specified requirement or
and dimensional measurements.
presence of one or more defects preventing or lessening maximum efficiency shall
constitute cause for rejection.
4.5 Tests.
One pump, complete with motor and tank, shall be
4.5.1 Perf ormance test.
The pump
tested to meet the capacity and lift requirements of 1.2 and 3.4.
shall be operated continuously for two hours.
The test shall demonstrate the
ability of the pump to handle water at the capacity, suction lift, and discharge
Failure of the pump to meet any performance
pressure requirements specified
requirements shall constitute failure of the test.
4.5.2 Hydro static Pre ssure test.
All pump casings produced shall be tested
to verify compliance with 3.5.1. All pump casings shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic pressure equal to 1.5 times the pump discharge pressure or the total
dynamic head, whichever is greater, for a period of not less than five minutes.
Minor leakage through the mechanical seal shall not be cause for rejection
damage or permanent deformation to the pump casing or leakage in the casing or
through the casing gasket shall constitute failure of the test.
All tests shall be made with the pump discharging
4.5.3 Discharge Pressure.
into an air-bound receiver in which constant pressure is maintained equal to the
rated discharge pressure of the pump (see 1.2).
A test of the pump involving
pump discharge through a throttling valve and into an open tank will not be
The inspection of the preservation, packing, and
Packaging inspec tion.
marking shall be in accordance with the requirements in section 4 of
The inspection shall consist of the quality conformance inspection
(see 4.2.2); and, when specified (see 6.2), a preproduction pack shall be
furnished for examination and test within the time frame required (see 6.2).
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