Hydrostatic pressure. The casing of the pump shall withstand a
hydrostatic pressure equal to 1.5 times the discharge pressure or the tot
dynamic head, whichever is greater.
3.6.1 Automatic air volume control. An automatic air-volume control
floating diaphragm separator shall be installed to maintain the proper le
air above the water in the tank.
An automatic pressure switch shall
3.6.2 Automatic air volume control.
The switch shall be calibrated a
incorporated in the design of the unit.
adjusted to start the motor when tank pressure falls below the 40 psi min
cut-in pressure, and stop the motor when pressure reaches the 60 psi. maxi
cut-out pressure.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), electric motor shal
3.7 Motor.
designed to operate on 115 volt, single phase, 60-cycle, altercating curr
Electric motors shall conform to NEMA MG 1 and shall be rated for continu
duty with starting torque and speed rating suitable for the application.
motor shall have a horsepower rating adequate for operation of the specif
The horsepower rating shall be
pump within allowable temperature limits.
less than the maximum brake horsepower requirement of the pump under any
Motor starters shall be designed and constructe
conditions of operation.
accordance with NEMA ICS 1 and NEMA ICS 2; and shall have enclosures in
accordance with NEMA ICS 6 with NEMA 1, NEMA 3R, or NEMA 12 type, as spec
(see 6.2).
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the water supply uni
3.8 Tank.
include a 120-gallon capacity, hydro-pneumatic vertical tank.
Unless oth
specified (see 6.2), the tank shall be the supercharged-type, made of stee
The tank shall be constructed in
hot-dip galvanized after fabrication.
accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Divisi
Acceptable evidence of the tank being constructed in accordance with ASME
and Pressure Vessel Code will be the ASME Code Symbol stamp.
Each pump and driver shall be bolted to a common bedpla
3.9 Bedplate.
cast iron or fabricated steel design to withstand strains and to maintain
and driver in alinement.
All mechanical and electrical parts that are of such nat
3.10 Safety.
so located as to become a hazard to operating or maintenance personnel sha
The pump shall comply with the OSHA regulat
enclosed or properly guarded.
Part 1910.95 for noise and Part 1910.219 for guarding.
3.11 Interch angeability.
All units of the same classification furnish
with similar options under a specific contract shall be identical to the e
necessary to ensure interchangeability of component parts, assemblies,
accessories, and spare parts.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business