battery cable shall be black and its terminal labeled with a "-". All wiring shall be gathered,
routed, and securely clamped to prevent excessive movement and inadvertent damage during
maintenance procedures. Grounding of all electrical components shall be done at a single point.
3.5.7 Automatic pump controller. Type I, size 1, style B, and type II, size 2, style B pumping
assemblies shall be equipped with automatic pump controllers which reduce engine speed to limit
high discharge pressure or low suction pressure. The controller shall sense the discharge and at
150 psi begin to reduce engine speed. If discharge pressure continues to increase, the controller
shall continue to reduce engine speed until the idle setting is reached. The controller shall also
sense the pressure on the suction side of the pump. If inlet pressure falls below 20 psi the
controller shall begin reducing engine speed. If inlet pressure continues to fall, when pressure is
reduced to 10 psi engine speed shall be reduced to idle. The controller shall be capable of being
turned off so that engine speed is regulated by the engine governor via the hand throttle. Operator controls. The automatic pump controller shall include controls for placing
the pumping assembly in three different modes of operation; manual, automatic pressure control,
and automatic speed control. In addition, a variable control shall be included providing start, and
variable speed/discharge ranges depending on the controller mode selection. Hardware. The pressure sensing and speed command components shall be solid state
electronics. They shall precisely position the fuel control, on the engine, isochronous (zero
droop) speed settings. Pressure Lines. The pressure lines that provide suction and discharge pressure to the
automatic pump controller shall have drainage cocks for complete drainage during storage.
3.5.8 Fuel system. A fuel tank shall be furnished sufficient for not less than 8 hours of
continuous operation at the rated load. The system shall be provided with a fuel gauge, graduated
in 1/4 increments, minimum, from empty to full. The gauge may be located on the control and
instrument panel or may be attached directly to the tank. The fuel tank shall include a hand-
operated fuel shutoff valve with an arrow showing the directions of valve operation. The fuel
tank outlet shall be from 0.50 inch to 1.00 inch above the bottom of the tank. The non-plastic fuel
line shall be provided with a 3-way selector valve and a 0.50 inch SAE-J513 flared fitting for
connection to an auxiliary fuel supply. A corrosion-resistant circular metal face-plate for the fuel
selector valve and shall be marked "OFF" "UNIT TANK" and AUXILIARY". Size 2 pumping
assemblies shall be provided with an additional 3-way selector valve and face-plate and two
10-foot long fuel hoses with the same fittings, with storage for the hoses shall be provided on the
pumping assembly. No fuel spillage shall occur when the fuel tank is full, and the pumping
assembly is operating in accordance with 3.5.2. The fuel tank shall be protected from damage by
stones and other projectiles when in tow.
3.5.9 Chassis. The pumping assemblies shall be mounted on chassis having two single wheels,
on an axle assembly attached to the underside of the pump frame. The axle and chassis assembly
shall have a rated capacity exceeding the maximum payload, but not less than 2000 pounds for the
size 1 and 6000 pounds for the size 2. The chassis shall be equipped with not less than two shock
absorbers for stability.
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