3.3.7 Mobility. Type I, size 1, and type II, size 1, pumping assemblies shall be capable of
being towed, without malfunction, permanent deformation, or damage, over roads as follows:
a. Improved (paved) roads at an average speed of 20 miles per hour (mph).
b. Unimproved (unpaved) roads at an average speed of 10 mph.
c. Over cross country terrain at an average speed of 8 mph.
Type I, size 2, and type II, size 2, pumping assemblies shall be capable of being towed, without
malfunction, permanent deformation, or damage, over roads as follows:
a. Improved (paved) roads at an average speed of 50 miles per hour (mph).
b. Unimproved (unpaved) roads at an average speed of 20 mph.
c. Over cross country terrain at an average speed of 8 mph.
3.4 Maintainability.
3.4.1 Maintenance ratio. The pumping assembly shall have a maintenance ratio of not greater
than 0.07. Maintenance ratio is defined as the ratio of the total active maintenance man-hours
required (scheduled and unscheduled) to the total operating time. Man-hours for repair of
replaced components, and scheduled before-and-after-operation checks are excluded.
3.4.2 Ease of maintenance. All major assemblies and installed attachments requiring repair,
replacement, and adjustment shall be accessible without the removal of other major components.
Covers, plates, and mounting brackets that must be removed for component adjustment, repair, or
replacement shall be equipped with quick-disconnect fasteners. Drain outlets shall be located for
accessibility. All drain plugs and filler caps shall be durable and shall be permanently attached to
the unit without impeding their removal. Corrosion resistance preventive maintenance shall be
limited to routine washing, periodic inspection and repair of accident damage.
3.4.3 Reliability. The specified mean-time-between-failures shall be not less than 200 hours
when the pumping assemblies are tested in accordance with 4.5.8.
3.5 Performance.
3.5.1 Hydrostatic pressure. The pumps shall withstand an internal hydrostatic pressure of
200 PSI, at rated speed, without leaking or becoming deformed.
3.5.2 Performance. The pumps shall meet the capacities indicated below using water at
standard conditions, as specified by the Hydraulic Institute ANSI/HI 1.1-1.6 Centrifugal Pumps
and Tests, and positioned at any direction or angle up to 15 degrees from the horizontal.
a. Type I, size 1 - 350 gpm with a total dynamic head of 275 feet.
b. Type I, size 2 - 600 gpm with a total dynamic head of 350 feet and
1250 gpm with a total dynamic head of 180 feet.
c. Type II, size 1 - 350 gpm with a total dynamic head of 275 feet.
d. Type II, size 2 - 600 gpm with a total dynamic head of 350 feet.
3.5.3 Pump priming. The pumps shall prime themselves automatically, after initial filling of the
case, and deliver not less than their rated flows in not greater than 2 minutes, when operating at a
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