MIL-P-178819(SHIPS) Bedplates of horizontal flexible coupled units shall be- sufficiently rigid to
permit handling, shipment and installation of the unit onboard ship to minimize misalignment
of the assembled unit. The driver shall be doweled and the unit realigned by the installing
activity after final installation. The manufacturer shall furnish a warning plate
indicating the above. All bearing and seating surfaces of bedplates and mounting plates shall be
finish machined.
. Each component part of an assembled horizontal flexible coupled unit supported
directly by the bedplate shall be doweled thereto to facilitate reassembly and maintenance
of alignment, except that final doweling of the driver shall be performed by the install-
ing activity after final installation. Vertical pumps shall be mounted as close to the center of gravity as
3.3.12 Lubrication. A simple, positive, and self-contained forced feed lubrication system shall
be provided on each turbine-driven pump assembly in accordance with MIL-T-17523, oil temper-
atures in the bearings shall not exceed
(measured by thermocouples) under any condition
of operation.
# Grease lubricant shall be in accordance with MIL-G-18709 or for quiet bearings,
MIL-G-24139. Oil lubricants shall be in accordance with MIL-L-17331. The design shall be
such that any qualified grease under MIL-G-18709 or oil under MIL-L-L7331 can be used inter-
changeably with any other qualified product to the same specification.. Bearings shall be
capable of being relubricated without removing the bearings and shall not require frequent
relubrication if the pump is not operated over an extended period of time. Oil-lubricated bearings shall be separate from and independent of the stuffing
boxes, adequately protected from gland leakage. Means shall be provided to prevent the
escape of oil around the shaft. All baffles and wipers shall be readily renewable.
# Bearing housings shall be so designed that the bearing will be adequately
lubricated immediately when the shaft starts to turn. this shall be accomplished by properly
locating oil supply and drain pipes, and adequate sealing of the bearing housing so that
regardless of the Length of time the unit is idle, an adequate supply of oil will remain in
the bearing housing.
3.3.13 Eyebolts, lugs, holes and other means approved by the design review agency,
shall be provided to permit attachment of lifting gear for lifting the assembled pump, driver
and attached accessories as a complete unit. Means approved by the design review agency
shall be provided for the handling of parts and components weighing 150 pounds and over which
cannot be handled manually during unit overhauls and preventive maintenance inspections.
3.4 Materials. The materials of the pump shall conform to the materials specified
in 6.3. However, this specification is not intended to be restrictive provided proposed
alternate materials will give equal or better service than the materials specified. Proposed
alternative materials shall be subject to approval by the design review agency. Components
of the pump for which specific materials are not specified shall be of material best suited
for the service intended. Materials which can be sensitized and are subjected to heat
treatment in the sensitization range during fabrication shall be capable of passing the
intergranular corrosion tests of the base material specifications. Particular attention
should be given to avoiding sensitization of materials during hard facing, stress relieving,
or repair welding.
3.4.1 All valves, flanges, and bolting shall conform to MIL-STD-438 for submarines and
MIL-STD-777 for surface ships and l s specified (see 6.1) except tapered pipe threads are
acceptable for use in grease fittings located on non-moving parts. Fittings not covered
by these Specifications for a pplication where ship connections are not involved shall be
approved by the design review agency. Where practical, the use of silver brazed joints should be avoided. How-
ever, where unavoidable, silver brazed joints shall conform to the fabrication and inspec-
tion raquirements of NAVSHIPS 0900-001-7000.
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