MIL-P-17881D(SHIPS) The pump rotor assembly shall be completely assembled ready for installation
in the unit for which intended and shall include any non-rotating parts which can be installed
only by removing some rotating part or parts of the pump rotor. For pumps with shafts common to both pump and driving turbine, the repair
turbine rotor and removable parts in way of turbine, including governor parts, shall be
packed separately. The quantities of individual repair parts shall not be reduced because of
duplication of parts furnished to make the rotor assembly except that standard casing
wearing rings shall not be required. Casing wearing rings (see table II) shall be machined undersize by at least
0.030 inch on the diameter to permit machining and restoration of design running clearances
between the impeller hubs and the casing wearing rings.
One rotor cradle shall be furnished for each machinery com-
the pumps are installed, as specified (see 6.1). Tools. Special tools required for the maintenance and repair of the pump
units shall be furnished. The number of sets of special tools shall be as specified (see
6.1). Special wrenches should be of forged steel with hardened jaws. Special tools are
defined as those tools not listed in the Federal Supply Catalog. (Copies of this catalog
may be consulted in the office of the DCAS.) Tools which are available in the Federal Supply Catalog, such as common
wrenches and standard pullers and e xtractors, will not be required: Standard complete or
limited sets of pullers or extractors or parts of puller sets in accordance with GGG-P-781
and GGG-E-950 shall be identified as to type and use in notes on the outline or section
assembly drawings. Special tools shall be detailed and included in the list of material.
3-.8.2.8 Each box containing onboard repair parts shall contain a list entitled "List
of onboard repair parts". The list shall be in a format for use on outline drawings and
in the instruction books. It shall be not less than nominal 8-1/2 by 11 inches in size. The format of the list shall include a heading and columns of data for the
items listed. The heading shall include titles and applicable entries as follows:
Reproduced from drawing number `
Number of ships
Contract number
Manufacture r
Quantities are for
uni ts per ship
The columns shall include:
Piece number
Name of part
Drawing number
Federal stock numbe
Additional columns may be used as applicable.
The list shaLl be so treated as to be resistant to oil, water and fading.
3.8.3 The repair parts requirements for the drivers and accessories shall be in
accordance with the related equipment specification.
3.8.4 Stock. The selection, stock numbering and quantities of repair parts for stock
shall be determined and processed in accordance with MIL-P-15137 (see 6.2). The cognizant supply demand control point for repair parts for stock is Ships
Parts Control Center, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, unless otherwise specified in the
contract or order,
3.9 Drawings. Drawings shall conform to the requirements of categories A, G, H, I
MIL-D-1000, and types II and III of MIL-D-1000/2, as specified (see 6.1).
and J, form
3.9.1 Drawing content. General requirements.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business